Locke Genealogy

Terms and Conditions  Updated 9/6/2017

This site is operated and donated by Jump Start Software on behalf the Locke Family Association. The intent of this site is to serve as a reference genealogy for the 17th century Locke families and to collect family facts, histories and other material for the next supplement to the Locke genealogy originally published in 1916.


By using this site, you agree to the following terms and conditions:


  • This site, as a collective work, and most of the content included on it, is protected by copyright.
  • You agree not to publish or otherwise redistribute material you find on this site except as permitted under "fair use".
    Note: Please don't hesitate to ask for permission to publish. We welcome collaboration with researchers, other genealogical societies, or other noncommercial uses.
  • As a specific case of the above, you agree not to share or transfer any information from this site to other sites or services, commercial or noncommercial, including Ancestry, Family Tree Maker, Geni.com, etc. Please note that these services onsell anything you upload to others for commercial gain, and for non-genealogical purposes, even if you decide to leave that service.
  • This site is a repository, not a publication. It may contain reference material that is copyrighted by third parties. We attempt to mark any third-party copyrighted items but cannot catch everything.
  • You agree that the operator and LFA may post and publish any contributions you make to this site, including photographs. You agree not to contribute any material that is copyrighted by a third party without obtaining written prior approval from us.

Privacy Policy

  • In general, we do not display information on any living persons. An exception might be made on a case-by-case basis, with that person's permission (and only if 18 or over). If you believe that an individual being displayed is still living, please tell us immediately! Also, if you believe that we should display someone who is not, please contact us for that, too.
  • We will accept information on living persons, in order to ease research in the future, but we will not display it or publish it until the appropriate time.

About the Locke Family Association

The Locke Family Association was founded in 1891 by descendants of Captain John and Elizabeth (Berry) Locke who settled at Locke's Neck in the middle of the 17th century. In 1898, a desire to make the Association a permanent organization led the members to incorporate under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. We believe this is the oldest incorporated organization of this type in the United States.
We invite you to consider joining - visit us at LFA

Contact Us

email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.