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News / Edward Hughes Glidden, Baltimore Architect
« Last post by geoff_smith on May 01, 2021, 12:11:05 AM »

Edward Hughes Glidden, a descendant of Capt. John Locke, rebelled against following the family business in Cleveland and chose to study architecture instead. He went to Baltimore and became a prominent architect, known for designing large, high-end apartment buildings. But his final and finest project was the design of the Sydenham Hospital for Communicable Diseases, a collection of several buildings in the Italian Renaissance Revival style set on a sprawling 33-acre campus. It was completed in 1924 and operated until 1949.
News / Book of the Lockes
« Last post by geoff_smith on September 20, 2020, 01:45:32 PM »

John Goodwin Locke, Wm. of Woburn descendant and author of the Book of the Lockes (1853), married a second time and had three more children after the book was published. The new information will be included in the 2021 update.
News / Locke Genealogy Supplement 3
« Last post by geoff_smith on August 05, 2020, 01:05:36 AM »

As announced at the 130th annual reunion of the Locke Family Association ... the Association will publish a major update to the Locke genealogy in December. (The book with the white dust jacket is a test print.) In fact, we have enough material for two volumes of 500+ pages, with the second volume following just a couple months later.
These will cover descendants of New England Locke families, and represent the next two volumes of a continuing series. The Association published the last update in 2002.
If you are interested in purchasing a copy, contact us at update3 at
News / Prominent Zoologist
« Last post by geoff_smith on August 05, 2020, 12:32:18 AM »

Hope Hibbard, 6th great-granddaughter of Capt. John Locke, was a professor of Zoology at Oberlin College, and one of the first female professors to earn tenure there. She was well known in her area of study for a profusion of papers on her research on limpets, earthworms, squid and silkworms.

One of her more significant contributions to the field of zoology was her research on the Golgi Apparatus, the subject of her last published paper. This is a structure in the cell that is responsible for transporting proteins.

She became the chairman of the Dept. of Zoology in the 1950s, and in 1961 retired after 33 years at Oberlin.
News / George Loftus Noyes
« Last post by geoff_smith on August 05, 2020, 12:27:13 AM »

George Loftus Noyes, 4th great-grandson of Captain John Locke, was a highly respected painter, primarily of landscapes and still lifes. He studied three years in Paris, then gained fame in the early 1900's as a painter of the American Impressionist school. He created his most famous works at the Fenway Studios in Boston, but also traveled frequently throughout New England in search of landscapes to paint. In later life he moved to New Hampshire where, unfortunately, a barn fire destroyed many of his works and he slid into a depression from which he never recovered.

News / Struck by Lightning
« Last post by geoff_smith on August 05, 2020, 12:21:17 AM »

In 1889, school had just let out for the summer. Guy Winslow Emerson, 5th great-grandson of Capt. John Locke, took his younger brother Lowe fishing. When rain approached, they boys took shelter under a hickory tree. Guy was leaning against the trunk of the tree when lightning struck and killed him instantly. Lowe was also injured severely but survived. Twenty years later, he started a life insurance company in Cincinnati.
News / Progress through Resistance
« Last post by geoff_smith on August 04, 2020, 03:39:54 PM »

Fred M. Locke was a telegraph operator who was reprimanded in 1893 for not tapping out a return message to the Buffalo office. But he was certain that he had!
He looked into the problem and discovered that the telegraph wires were losing voltage. After much experimentation, he made a highly restistive substance by baking clay, and the porcelain insulator was born! This made the telegraph much more reliable, and paved the way for the telephone later.
-- Found in Forgotten Stories of the Finger Lakes
News / First Families, First Cars
« Last post by geoff_smith on March 31, 2020, 09:01:20 AM »

Dr. Clarence W. Locke, 4th great-grandson of William Locke of Woburn, was a doctor in Saxtons River and later in Springfield, Vermont. In 1905 he had the distinction of owning one of only 379 automobiles registered in Vermont under a new state law.
Pictured are the first and second automobiles so registered. His was probably on a house call.
News / Frank Merriam, Adventurer in Brazil
« Last post by geoff_smith on May 08, 2019, 03:49:09 AM »

Locke descendant Frank Merriam left home at age 16 and joined the Brazilian Army, was sent to fight in the Paraguayan War of 1864-1870, and was never heard from again.
He may have felt he had missed the Civil War by being born too late. Frank will be included in the next volume of the Locke genealogy that is in progress now. 
News / We had fun at NERGC 2019
« Last post by geoff_smith on April 11, 2019, 10:08:35 PM »

Between twenty and thirty conference attendees stopped by our table at the New England Regional Genealogical Conference 2019 last week! A few of our conversations turned into extended consultations where we dug into the 3 volumes of the genealogy that we had on hand.
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